The Key Health Benefits of Golf

Golf is played by around 55 million people on 32,000 courses in over 200 countries. This widespread popularity is impressive, but what’s even more remarkable is the substantial health benefits that golfers can reap, regardless of their skill level.

Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George once noted that less talented golfers might benefit more from the sport than professional players. He believed that while skilled players stress over minor mistakes, beginners and amateurs enjoy the game more and gain more exercise from it.

Evidence of Health Benefits

A significant Scandinavian study involving over 300,000 golfers found that players lived an average of five years longer than non-golfers. This longevity benefit was consistent regardless of age, gender, or socio-economic status. Golf also plays a crucial role in preventing and treating chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Regular play can strengthen bones and help prevent hip fractures.

A study from 2006 discovered that golfers take around 12,000 steps per 18-hole round, which exceeds the daily recommended amount of steps for maintaining good health. Walking the course, rather than using a golf cart, maximizes these benefits.

The average walking distance during a round without a cart is over 8 kilometers, compared to just 3.86 kilometers with a cart!

Psychological and Social Benefits

Golf also offers significant psychological advantages. Playing golf can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and boost confidence. Additionally, the social aspect of golf helps to strengthen social connections and self-esteem. Spending time on the course with friends or meeting new people can be incredibly fulfilling.

Only Good for You!

David Lloyd George’s observation about the broad benefits of golf holds true. Regular physical activity through golf can increase life expectancy and improve overall health. While all golfers can gain from the sport, those who play more frequently tend to have the lowest mortality rates.

Encouraging participation in golf is a valuable investment in health. Whenever possible, opt to walk the course to maximize the health benefits.